This work recounts the glorious past of a squadron which made a name for itself when France was experiencing particularly dark times.
May 1940. The “Phony War”, which had been going on since September 1939, came to an end and Nazi Germany’s invasion began, taking the Allied troops by surprise with its speed and their bypass of the Maginot Line. While the mood was low, French soldiers, both on the ground and in the air, were doing everything they could to delay the inevitable invasion and save all that they still could.
Among these soldiers involved in the Battle of France were the airmen of the SPA 67 squadron. During this battle, its members achieved no fewer than 105 certified victories against enemy air forces that were far superior in number – the Reich had a total of almost 6000 aircraft, and the Allies just under 3000. During these two months, the SPA 67 had five “ace pilots” in its ranks who had racked up more than ten victories – contributing to the overall total of eleven French pilots who achieved the same feat during the Battle of France.
It is to this exceptional squadron that the author pays tribute, as well as the bravery and agility of these men led by Captain Accart, who was seriously injured during the fighting. As proof, even in defeat, the squadron stood out by the low number of losses that it had to mourn: “only” three dead and five seriously injured pilots. This book pays homage to them by giving a precise account of this group’s daily lives…
Book. “Chasseurs du ciel – Bataille de France, mai-juin 1940” Author, Bernard Accart. Éditions Cépaduès. EAN: 978236939622