In the second volume of this new aviation comic book, pilot Jonas Montfort must take on Professor Steiner, who has revealed his true nature...
In the second volume of this new aviation comic book, pilot Jonas Montfort must take on Professor Steiner, who has revealed his true nature…
Multiple aircraft have been hijacked by a secret organization, putting the world in peril. Pilot Jonas Montfort must go to Greenland, where he will face Professor Steiner, who has already acquired the power to control the will of others. The German scientist finally reveals what he really has planned: to establish a single, totalitarian power to prevent humanity suffering the same fate as Atlantis… total destruction!
To achieve his aim, the professor is relying on an ultra-powerful generator that powers the entire system operating from his base. If he wants to stop Steiner’s mad scheme, Jonas Montfort will need to raise an army, or rather an air force. But how can he triumph in the face of the scientist’s super-powers?
This second volume illustrating the adventures of heroic French pilot Jonas Montfort immerses readers in the atmosphere of the 1950s and offers spectacular aerial combat scenes. A comic book to rival Tintin!
Comic Book: “The Power of the Atlanteans – volume 2, The Showdown”, Bruno Marchand. Editions Paquet (Cockpit collection). ISBN: 97Z2888909620