Face-to-face interviews

Prepare in advance

Find out about the company, its activity, its culture, its latest developments. Take time to study the offer you have applied for in detail.

Prepare your “pitch” in response to the statement “Tell me about yourself” and a list of questions to help you build your understanding of the position and the company.

You may be contacted for a pre-selection telephone call so that we can check specific points (your training, career path, specialisms, career plans, availability, salary expectations, etc.). This is part of our pre-interview selection process.

Always be prepared so that you give the recruiter the best impression and complete this first stage successfully.

Show the recruiter the best of you in your interview

First of all, be on time and notify the recruiter if there’s a possibility you might be late. Also pay great attention to your appearance.

Don’t forget to keep your CV to hand, as well as a pen and paper, and also the description of the position you are applying for.

Be yourself during the conversation. What you say must both present your expertise and reflect your social skills.

Be precise and specific. Keep in mind what the position you are applying for entails and highlight how your profile fits the position that needs filling. Remember the golden rule for a good line of argument: for each experience you discuss, you must:

  • give some background;
  • specify the objectives set and the inherent constraints;
  • describe the project;
  • highlight the results.

Do not be afraid to ask questions to spark some interaction and show your interest. And do not forget to take notes: candidates are sometimes asked to provide a summary at the end of the interview.

At the end of the interview, find out what the next steps of the recruitment process are.

Thank the people you’ve met

Remember that a thank-you email following the interview is often appreciated. This allows you to show renewed interest in the position and the company.